On the initiative of former mayor Gabriele Bauer, former 2nd mayor Anton Heindl, city priest Andreas M. Zach and the environmental and green space department of the city of Rosenheim, the idea was born to settle falcons on the tower of St. Nicholas Church in Rosenheim to counter the plague of pigeons. After a meeting on April 20, 2012, the Rosenheim City Falcons project took its course.
In late fall, master carpenter Bernhard Holzner and falconer Erwin Heigl installed one nesting box each for peregrine falcons and kestrels in the tower and the nave.
Already in spring 2013, kestrels occupied the nest in the upper tower area and raised four healthy and lively young birds in 2013.
The falcon project has its own homepage as well as a webcam on which you can follow the current happenings in the nest box. The homepage is maintained by Mr. Bjoern Clauss.