Birth announcement

If your child was born in the city of Rosenheim, the birth will be registered at the registry office in Rosenheim. In the case of a birth in a clinic or birth center, the registry office receives a written birth announcement from there. In the case of a home birth, the birth announcement must be handed in personally to the registry office within one week by one parent, presenting the birth certificate issued by the midwife.

    • valid identification documents of the parents
    • certified copy from the marriage register - alternatively marriage certificate and birth certificates of parents
    • valid identification documents of the parents
    • certified copy from the register of births/registers - alternatively birth certificates of the parents
    • additionally for divorced/widowed mothers: certified copy from the marriage register with note of dissolution of marriage - alternatively marriage certificate and proof of dissolution of marriage (usually legally binding divorce decree or death certificate)
    • If applicable, proof of paternity acknowledgment/declaration of custody already submitted
  • The certification of a birth is generally free of charge. So-called subsequent certifications of births abroad, however, are subject to a fee. As part of the birth certification, you will continue to receive three birth certificates free of charge for parental allowance, child allowance and maternity allowance (health insurance). The issuance of each additional certificate is subject to a fee (€12.00 per certificate).