Holiday care

For parents who have to work during the school vacations, there is the possibility of vacation care for children. The city of Rosenheim has a wide range of vacation measures. The Stadtjugendring coordinates these offers and publishes up-to-date brochures and information on vacation care. During all school vacations, the Stadtjugendring offers its own vacation measures. In addition, it is involved in the district holiday programs and visits various schools with its mobile children and youth work.

Stadtjugendring Rosenheim Mr. Johannes Merkl Phone +49 (0) 80 31 / 94 13 80

Furthermore, there is the possibility to take advantage of the offer for vacation care through our cooperation partners:

Kind und Werk e. V. Children's and Youth Art School Chiemseestraße 14 83022 Rosenheim Tel. +49 (0) 80 31 / 37 94 6 Fax +49 (0) 80 31 / 40 04 44 E-Mail: info(at)

Vinzentiusverein Rosenheim

If you have further questions about school vacations or closing times in day care centers, please contact the Office for Schools, Child Care and Sports.