Climate protection initiative

In order to avoid the most serious consequences of climate change and the dwindling of adaptation options, targeted climate protection activities must be implemented.

The climate protection initiative launched in July 2020 primarily relates to the city of Rosenheim's own administrative sphere. For the implementation of measures outside the administration, cooperation is required - for example with the trade/commerce/services sector, clubs and associations, and the Rosenheim Energy Future initiative. Effective climate protection requires the contributions of many!

The climate protection initiative takes up the recommendation formulated in the Bavarian Climate Protection Act to achieve climate neutrality in the administration's own area by 2030. To this end, measures to avoid greenhouse gas emissions are given priority. The selection of measures is based on the package of measures of the Bavarian Climate Protection Offensive, the catalog of measures of the Integrated Energy, Climate and Environmental Protection Concept Rosenheim 2025, topic-related city council resolutions and good examples from other municipalities. In particular, when there is discretionary or decision-making leeway, the achievement of the reduction targets should be included as an important aspect in the decision-making process. In addition to the regular evaluation of the greenhouse gas reductions achieved, it is also examined which supplementary measures may be required to ensure that the targets are achieved.

The focus of activities to date has been on the company's own building stock. The conversion to LED lighting was continued, energy improvement measures were investigated for selected properties, and the possibility of producing one's own electricity using photovoltaic systems was assessed for other buildings. The city administration co-organized the digital event series "Rosenheim Climate Spring", an accompanying exhibition was implemented in cooperation with the city library.