Climate protection through networking & innovation

Learning from each other and innovative solutions help to achieve climate protection goals. Grants from national or EU programs can be awarded for selected activities in the areas of networking or innovation.

The city of Rosenheim is involved in the Municipal Energy Efficiency Network Rosenheim-Traunstein, in the initiative Energy Future Rosenheim and is a member of the Climate Alliance of Municipalities.

Cooperation with experts within the framework of research projects offers the opportunity to jointly develop innovative approaches and try them out on site.

For example, five properties in the city of Rosenheim are being used to test the use of a software tool that delivers optimized maintenance plans for these buildings with comparatively little effort to collect information. It is possible to consider different maintenance scenarios. In this way, it becomes clear which measures are required to achieve climate neutrality for these buildings. The results can subsequently be incorporated into a renovation roadmap for the properties of the city of Rosenheim.

Another example: As part of the EU Sinfonia project, the impact of measures to improve the energy quality of buildings was estimated for selected areas in Rosenheim. The result was that the expenditure for heating an apartment with a size of 80 m² in 2019 was typically around EUR 1,000 per year. After refurbishment to a high-efficiency standard, the relevant expenditure is in the order of EUR 100 per year.

In addition to energy (cost) savings, improving the energy efficiency of the residential building stock also contributes to

  • to climate protection,
  • to an increase in the purchasing power of tenants,
  • to value creation and employment in the construction industry, and
  • in connection with an increase in the number of floors, to the creation of additional living space.

A brief summary of the EU Sinfonia project, including links to further information, can be found under "Further downloads".