For energy transition and climate protection to succeed, many contributions are needed: A number of informative publications are available at the bookstall on the 2nd floor of the office building at Königstraße 15, e.g. saving electricity at home, energy-efficient lighting, highly efficient construction and renovation, or comfort ventilation systems.
Anyone who wants to bring their home up to current energy standards can take advantage of the free initial consultation offered at the Rosenheim District Office for citizens from the city and district of Rosenheim. The offer is supported by GIH Bayern e.V. and Energiezukunft Rosenheim ezro. There is also advice on the subject of electromobility. For both consulting offers a telephone registration is necessary under +49 (0) 80 31 / 392-10 84. The advice is given in a one-on-one meeting by recognized and independent experts.
The Rosenheim municipal utility also offers energy consulting.
Would you like to know how well your own roof surface is suited for use for electricity production by means of photovoltaics or for heating water with thermal solar collectors? Then the solar roof cadastre can help you. The offer is free of charge and non-binding and covers all buildings in the city and district of Rosenheim.
Please also feel free to contact the Integrated Energy, Climate Adaptation and Environmental Protection Management in the Environment and Green Spaces Office of the City of Rosenheim if you have any questions or require further information.