The Equal Opportunities Officer

The municipal equal opportunity commissioner develops the basic decisions on the focal points of the municipal equal opportunity work.

  • She works on the basis of the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act.
  • She is not subject to directives in the performance of her duties.
  • It represents the different interests and life situations of women and men and brings these into bodies and committees.
  • She participates in the personnel selection process for management positions and measures for personnel development.
  • It advises municipal employees on issues relevant to equality, such as parental leave, career development, sexual harassment.
  • She takes the lead in the continuation of the equality concept.

As of 01.01.2019, Ms. Christine Mayer was appointed as Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Rosenheim by the City Council and confirmed for a further three years as of 01.01.2022.

  • Overall, the activities in the area of equal opportunity work aim to raise awareness of equal opportunity issues among employees and management personnel and to support them in their implementation.

    The Equal Opportunity Officer

    • promotes and monitors the implementation of the Bavarian Gender Equality Act (BayGlG) and the Equality Concept and supports its implementation.
    • participates, within the scope of her competence, in all matters of her department or municipality which may have fundamental significance for the equality of women and men, the reconciliation of family and employment and the safeguarding of equal opportunities.
    • supports and advises employees in individual cases who feel disadvantaged compared to the other gender (no legal advice).
    • prepares information materials and maintains contact with employees.
    • receives suggestions and initiates measures to improve the situation (of women) and their equal opportunities.
  • The Equal Opportunity Officer

    • has a direct right of presentation to the head of the department and is supported by the latter in the performance of her duties.
    • may contact the Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection directly.
    • must be informed comprehensively and in good time, in the case of personnel matters at the latest at the same time as the initiation of a participation procedure under personnel representation law (documents required for this purpose must be submitted in good time, information requested must be provided).
    • must be involved at an early stage in important projects relevant to equal opportunity.
    • is obligated to maintain silence - even beyond the period of their appointment.
    • has the possibility to object to violations of the Bavarian Gender Equality Act (BayGlG), the equality concept and other regulations for the equal treatment of women and men.