Woman and pension

Is the pension enough?

Today, women are better educated than ever before. In theory, they can become anything:

Nobel Prize winner, top manager, mayor or chancellor.

And yet the same questions are still being asked:

  • Why do so many women work mini-jobs or part-time?
  • Why do women receive so few pensions?
  • Why are they so often financially dependent on their partners and pay for divorces?
  • How can women's invisible care work for children and in the case of nursing care be better recognized, shared or taken over by the state?

53% less pension for women

This video sheds light on the reasons for this and what approaches there are for change: Low pensions for women: What to do about old-age poverty?

A man is not a pension - it's time for financial emancipation!

Helma Sick financial expert and book author at her lecture in Rosenheim