P11 Beilhack-Gießereistraße

Access: Gießereistraße Entry height: 2.10 m

Parking fees

Time Normal price Cinema customers with stamp
7:00 am to 7:00 pm:
up to 0,5 hours free of charge free of charge
up to 1 hour 1,00 € 1,50 €
up to 2 hours 2,50 € 1,50 €
until 3 hours 4,00 € 1,50 €
until 4 hours 5,50 € 1,50 €
until 5 hours 7,00 € 4,00 €
until 6 hours 8,50 € 5,50 €
until 7 hours 8,50 € 7,00 €
from 8 hours 8,50 € 8,50 €
7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., as well as Sundays and public holidays: (not on Sundays open for sales and on Sundays in the fall festival and Advent season)
flat rate 2,50