P12 North station

Access: Eduard-Rüber-Straße Entry height: 2.00 m

Parking fees

Time Fee
Total opening time:
up to 30 minutes free
up to 60 minutes (1 hour) 1,00 €
up to 90 minutes (1,5 hrs.) 2,00 €
up to 120 minutes (2 hours) 3,00 €
up to 150 minutes (2,5 hours) 4,00 €
up to 180 minutes (3 hours) 5,00 €
up to 210 minutes (3,5 hours) 6,00 €
up to 240 minutes (4 hours) 7,00 €
up to 270 minutes (4,5 hours) 8,00 €
up to 300 minutes (5 hours) 9,00 €
from 300 minutes (5 hrs. to max. 24 hrs.) 10,00 €
Maximum night parking fee for entry from 18:00 hrs and exit until 7:00 hrs 2,50 €
Sunday and holiday tariff (not on Sundays open for sale and on Sundays in the autumn festival and Advent season) 2,50 €