The creation and preservation of affordable housing is currently one of the major challenges of urban development in Rosenheim as well. The factors of sustained strong growth dynamics and demographic change are causing supply and demand on the housing market to increasingly diverge. As a special contribution to the stabilization of the urban society, the formation of home ownership at favorable conditions is to be supported. Homeownership models, also in multi-story residential construction, can serve as one building block.
Subsidized housing construction and an adequate supply of affordable housing for a broad middle section of society must be accepted as a joint task of all players in the housing market: The federal government and the Free State as funding bodies, the City of Rosenheim as the bearer of planning sovereignty, the municipal housing company GRWS, the private housing industry and investors and, last but not least, the property owners. The city council has dealt intensively with this issue and decided on the following strategy to solve the resulting questions:
In the future, the city of Rosenheim will only develop new construction areas with a planned area of more than 10,000 square meters as areas for residential construction if the city of Rosenheim acquires a share of up to 35% of the areas before initiating a land-use plan procedure at the land value not affected by planning. The city then enters the planning and development process as a partner with equal rights and obligations - usually represented by its own property management company. In this way, new residential areas can be created in cooperation with the city.
Land can also be secured for urban housing as part of urban land use planning, e.g. when rezoning to residential use or expanding building rights. The goal has been set to secure a share of up to 35% of new or expanded building rights for subsidized housing construction by the city of Rosenheim; the maximum share is regularly targeted. However, occupancy rights in private residential properties can also be contractually agreed independently of land acquisition.
Municipal housing construction is to be intensified using the subsidy programs under the Bavarian Housing Pact and the EOF program. The city of Rosenheim uses its acquired land and building rights primarily to create affordable housing. With the Bavarian Housing Pact, Pillar 2, the Free State of Bavaria promotes both land acquisition and the construction costs for buildings in social rental housing. In addition, the so-called income-oriented subsidy (EOF) can also be used to create affordable apartments in multi-story residential construction.