Asylum seeker benefits

Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act

Benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz) are paid to foreigners who are actually residing in the Federal territory and who

  • have a residence permit in accordance with the Asylum Procedure Act,
  • want to enter the country via an airport and who are not or not yet permitted to enter the country,
  • hold a residence permit pursuant to Section 23 (1), Section 24 or Section 25 (4) or (5) of the Residence Act,
  • hold a toleration pursuant to Section 60a of the Residence Act,
  • are subject to an enforceable obligation to leave the country, even if a threat of deportation is not yet or no longer enforceable,
  • are spouses, life partners or minor children of the persons mentioned in numbers 1 to 5, without themselves fulfilling the requirements mentioned there,
  • file a subsequent application pursuant to Section 71 of the Asylum Procedure Act or a confirmatory application pursuant to Section 71a of the Asylum Procedure Act.
  • Function Name Phone +49 (0) 80 31 / 365-

    Head of department,


    Mr. Grandl 14 77
    A - H Mrs. Faderl 83 48
    I - Z Mrs. Kempf 14 89
    I - Z Mrs. Schatz 14 89