Pension matters

Pension is not granted automatically. An application must be made.

Due to the permanent changes in social legislation, it is of utmost importance for each individual to be able to exercise his or her social rights and to receive correct, comprehensive and unambiguous information on all factual and legal issues of social security law. This information is not only of interest to those close to retirement, but should be used by all insured persons who wish to obtain information.

The insurance office of the city of Rosenheim is the competent contact for all citizens who live or work in Rosenheim. You can submit your pension or account clarification application to us.

As a special service, we offer you that all forms necessary for the application are completely filled out by us and forwarded online to the pension provider. We will also assist you in obtaining any missing supporting documents. This ensures that your application will be processed quickly by the responsible pension insurance institution.

We are here for you! Of course, you can use our services free of charge.

Of course, you can also obtain information and advice from the information and advice centers of the German pension insurance as well as from the insurance advisors and insurance elders.


  • We can provide you with information, advice and assistance on the following topics. Detailed information brochures are also available free of charge on many of these topics.

    Settlement ofwidow's and widower's pensions in the event of remarriage Reductions for early retirement Old-age pension Partial retirement / effects on pension Crediting periods Accident at work Foreign pensions Repatriates / Foreign Pensions Act

    Notarizationsfor pension purposes (free of charge) Contribution reimbursement Contribution payments Contribution periods Contribution supplement for health insurance Occupational disability

    Income imputation forsurvivors' pensions Reduced earning capacity pension Education pension

    Voluntarycontributions Foreign Pension Act / Repatriates

    Marginalemployment Gleitzone

    Half-orphan's pension Survivor's pension Supplementary income limits for pension recipients

    Child-raising periods/ periods of consideration for childrenLawsuit / social court Account clarification Pensioners' health insurance

    Agriculturalpension fund / pension applications Life certificates for pension purposes

    Subsequent payment ofpension contributions

    Care work/ periods in pension insurance Compulsory insurance for the self-employed

    Rehab applicationPension information / request from pension provider Pension application Pension calculation Pension information Pension splitting

    Divorce/ pension equalization Self-employed / compulsory insurance Social court / lawsuit Social security card

    Accident pension/ concurrence with statutory pension Accident investigations for pension insurance or employers' liability insurance association

    Pensionequalizationin the event of divorce Confidence protection regulations Orphan's pension Prerequisites for pension entitlement Advance payment of widow's and widower's pension

    Orphan'spension contradiction widow's pension / widower's pension

    Witness examinationsfor pension insurance or employers' liability insurance association Health insurance contribution subsidy