War victims' welfare

War Victims' Welfare benefits are paid to damaged persons and surviving dependents to supplement the other benefits under the Federal Welfare Act (BVG) as special assistance in individual cases.

The assistance is granted if and to the extent that the damaged person, as a result of the injury, and the surviving dependents, as a result of the loss of a spouse, parent or child, are not in a position to cover the needs to be recognized from their own income and assets.

Here you can apply for

  • Sickness assistance
  • Assistance for nursing care
  • Help for the continuation of the household
  • Assistance for the elderly
  • Supplementary help for living
  • Recreational assistance
  • Housing assistance
  • Assistance in special life situations
  • Function Name Phone +49 (0) 80 31 / 365-
    Head of department Mrs. Pawelka 15 05
    War Victim Welfare Mrs. Schwarzfischer 15 07