Pürstlingstraße closed for half a day
For safety reasons, trees have to be felled along Pürstlingstraße. It will therefore be closed to traffic tomorrow (05.02.2025) between 08:30 and 14:00. However, pedestrians will be able to pass through the area under the supervision of safety guards.
The trees can no longer be maintained due to damage such as rotten or rotten roots. The risk of branches or even entire trees falling onto the road, which is also an important school route, is so high that there is no way around felling them. In return, replacement trees will be planted on Pürstlingstrasse.
The closure affects the area from the corner of Pürstlingstraße / Adlerweg to the level of the field field hockey pitch at the Sportbundcampus. The signs for the bypass will be placed on Waldfriedstraße / Hailerstraße coming from the north and on Küpferlingstraße at the railroad underpass in the south.