Press releases

Utilizing Rosenheim's potential

Patricia Rebmann is the new Head of Department for Policy Issues, Human Resources, Organization, Economic Development, City Marketing, Digitization and Culture of the City of Rosenheim. She took up office in Department I on February 3, 2025, after being sworn in as a professional city councillor in December of last year.

The new head of policy is 46 years old, married and has three children. A graduate in public administration, she was most recently mayor of the town of Eppelheim in Baden-Württemberg, which has a population of 15,000.

"Rosenheim is not only attractive because of its location and high recreational value. Rosenheim still has an incredible amount of untapped potential. My aim is to make our city even better equipped for the future. The expansion of digitalization will ensure greater citizen friendliness and we must increase the incentives so that our local economy can continue to develop and companies from outside the city can settle here," says Rebmann about her reasons for coming to Rosenheim.

Since the beginning of the year, her department has also included the area of culture: "Rosenheim already has a diverse range of cultural institutions. However, we want to make culture even more visible and integrate it even more into social life. A city worth living in needs a vibrant cultural landscape, which is why we will not only continue the work of recent years, but intensify it."

The management of Department I was publicly advertised. The majority of city council members voted by secret ballot for Patricia Rebmann to succeed Thomas Bugl, who had headed Department I for 18 years.