Tree Felling

Boundary distance of trees and shrubs

Trees or shrubs in a neighbor's garden unfortunately sometimes give rise to annoyance or even disputes between residents.

Private neighbor law is regulated nationwide according to §§ 903 ff in the German Civil Code (BGB) as well as in the Implementation Act to the German Civil Code (AGBGB).

Details on this are presented in the brochure Rund um die Gartengrenze from the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice.

Shade provider - climate buffer - habitat

Large trees make a relevant contribution to a livable urban climate. In order to maintain this function for as long as possible, Rosenheim has issued a municipal tree protection ordinance that also applies to trees on private properties.

Before felling a tree, it is therefore always necessary to check whether a tree is subject to this tree protection ordinance.

All details on tree species, categories, sizes and scope can be found in the municipal tree protection ordinance.

You can apply for an exemption from the Tree Protection Ordinance online with your tree cutting application. Follow the description and add your details about the tree in question. The colleagues from the Rosenheim Environmental Office will contact you after checking.

For us humans, trees provide air and shade in summer - for birds and insects, they are an indispensable habitat. In order to protect this habitat during the breeding and rearing period and thus to promote biodiversity, trees may therefore only be felled between the beginning of October and February!