Every person has the right to live free of violence. Violence restricts those affected in their development and shaping of their lives. Women are particularly affected by specific forms of violence.
Violence has many faces and we encounter it everywhere: at home, at work, in public spaces and online. Violence doesn't just start with beatings. Threats, verbal abuse and control are also forms of violence.
Violence against women often takes place at home, in the supposed protective space of one's own four walls. The term domestic violence is used to describe a complex pattern of wide-ranging actions and behaviors aimed at gaining power and control over another person, their actions and thoughts. Perpetrators and victims are found in all social classes, regardless of education level, income, status, culture, origin or age.
People who are affected by violence need fast, unbureaucratic help as well as qualified counseling and support.
The help line - advice and help for women
The help hotline "Violence against Women" is a nationwide counseling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. By dialing +49 (0) 8000 / 116 01 6 and via online counseling, victims of all nationalities, with and without disabilities, are supported around the clock, 365 days a year. Relatives, friends and professionals are also advised anonymously and free of charge.
Round Table "Domestic Violence
The Round Table "Domestic Violence" in Rosenheim is a network of various organizations, such as police, public prosecutor's office, women's shelter, women's and girls' emergency call, White Ring, men's counseling center, equal opportunity offices of the city and district of Rosenheim. Meetings are held twice a year in the town hall under the leadership of the municipal equal opportunity commissioner. The aim of the working group is to network the cooperation between the participating professionals even better, to educate about forms of domestic violence and to inform professionals as well as the interested public.