Public Participation

General information

Due to the Corona pandemic, the documents for the respective development plan procedure are available for public inspection in the foyer of the City Hall, Königstraße 24, Mittelbau, as part of the public participation process, in addition to being made available on the Internet. The foyer is accessible at the following times: Monday to Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The documents can be inspected without prior notice.

During the display period, comments on the draft plan can be submitted by anyone, e.g.

  • in writing (to: City of Rosenheim, City Planning Office, Königstr. 24, 83022 Rosenheim),
  • by fax (0 80 31 / 365-20 47),
  • electronically ( to Bauleitplanung(at) or
  • in person for the record.

Transcripts as well as information and discussion meetings are possible during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:00-12:00 and Monday to Wednesday 14:00-16:00, Thursday 14:00-17:00) as well as by appointment (under the telephone number +49 (0) 80 31/ 365-16 41). Please make an appointment. Comments not submitted in due time may be disregarded in the adoption of the resolution on the development plan.