A public event must be notified to the municipality in writing at least one week in advance, stating the type, location, time and number of expected visitors.
The event requires a permit in accordance with the State Criminal and Ordinance Law (LStVG) if
- more than 1000 visitors are expected and the event takes place outside a designated location,
- the event is not announced in due time (1 week before) or
- it is a motor sport event.
Events with more than 200 visitors that are held in rooms that do not comply with the regulations of the Vesammlungsstättenverordnung (VStättV) must also be notified in accordance with § 47 VStättV. This does not apply to the holding of events in rooms that have been approved as assembly rooms if the approval includes the type of event. For this informal notification, in addition to information on the type, location, time and duration of the event, as well as the expected number of participants, a floor plan to scale, with details of exit widths, escape routes, seating, etc. is required. The notification must be submitted at least 14 days before the planned event. Information on this can be obtained from the building regulations office.
Assemblies are to be distinguished into
- Assemblies in the open air (subject to registration) and
- indoor assemblies (not subject to registration).
An open-air assembly is subject to registration if several persons (at least two) come together for a common purpose. The common purpose must be to address the public and to participate in the formation of public opinion. It is irrelevant whether the assembly is held at a fixed location or in the form of a procession from location A to location B.
According to the Assembly Act, an open-air assembly must be registered 48 hours before it is announced. The notification must include the organizer, responsible leader, day, time, place, theme, and all means of manifestation to be used during the assembly.
Meetings in closed rooms are e.g. party conferences, general meetings, etc. and are not subject to the obligation to register.
The Assembly Act does not apply to outdoor events such as church services, church processions, pilgrimages, carnival events, street festivals, non-commercial flea markets, stand-up concerts or artistic activities.
If processions of any kind take place on streets or sidewalks, please contact the street traffic authority.